
Spain’s Air Travel Reaches New Heights, Boosting Car Rental and Summer Tourism

In a much-celebrated announcement during a recent press conference, the Asociación de Líneas Aéreas (ALA) shared promising news about the trajectory of air transportation in Spain. The industry is poised for a robust recovery, with a total of 219 million passenger seats reserved for the upcoming summer—a 3% increase compared to the summer of 2019. This positive trend is expected to have a ripple effect, benefitting not only the aviation sector but also contributing to the growth of the car rental industry and summer tourism.

ALA underscored the significance of the summer season, spanning from April to October, projecting a particularly favorable outlook for the Canary Islands. The archipelago is set to receive 31.2 million reserved seats, marking it as one of the top three autonomous communities experiencing the most substantial increase in seat reservations compared to 2019. This surge in planned air travel is also notable in Andalusia and the Balearic Islands, signifying a promising revival for Spain’s tourism sector.

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